
W&Blog, le blog de Web-Sio

par William Bamogo 07 déc., 2023
Do you want to work on endurance? Then I assume you've already read my previous article on the subject? If not, go ahead and read it first! And if you have already, I propose an additional option based on the Strongfirst roadwork described in this article.
par William Bamogo 15 nov., 2023
Tu veux travailler l’endurance ? Alors je suppose que tu as déjà lu mon article précédent sur le sujet ? Sinon, va déjà le lire! Et si tu l’as déjà lu, je te propose une option supplémentaire basée sur le Strongfirst roadwork décrit dans cet article.
par William Bamogo 18 oct., 2023
Did you read my article about the 10,000 swings challenge? Are you thinking about giving it a try but have some apprehensions? Here are some suggestions to help you take the bull by the horns at your own pace.
par William Bamogo 11 oct., 2023
Did you complete the work and try out the variations from the previous article? Do you think you're ready to move on to the next level? I suggest you tackle one-arm push-ups! In this article, I'll introduce you to 4 variations to help you achieve your first one-arm push-up and even reach the ultimate version, one-arm one-leg push-ups. Let's get started!
par William Bamogo 04 oct., 2023
Well, you've been focusing a lot on the upper body recently. How about giving some attention to your legs for a change? And for that, what's better than tackling the mastery of the single-leg squat, also known as the pistol squat? Let's get started!
par William Bamogo 27 sept., 2023
Is your goal to succeed in your first pull-up? Achieving it can be challenging, the journey will require patience, but the result is worth it. And you can achieve it with the progressions I suggest. Let's get started!
par William Bamogo 20 sept., 2023
So, you've trained with regular push-ups and want to take it to the next level? Well, let's move on to wall handstand push-ups! I'll show you how to achieve them in this article.
par William Bamogo 06 sept., 2023
Bon tu t'es entraîné aux pompes classiques et tu veux passer au niveau supérieur ? Alors on passe aux pompes en ATR ! Je te montre comment y parvenir dans cet article.
par William Bamogo 03 sept., 2023
Bon tu t'es beaucoup concentré sur le haut du corps dernièrement, que dirais-tu de montrer un peu d'attention à tes jambes pour changer ? Et pour ça, quoi de mieux que s'attaquer à la maîtrise du squat à une jambe, aka le squat pistol ? C'est parti !
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